Flags wave in new strides for representation

Haley Medeiros

The Algerian flag, among close to 50 other flags, hangs over the library. ¨The flags actually represent all the countries of origin for our students and staff.¨ Rock Hill principal Daniel Toth said. The flags are meant to represent aspects of Rock Hill’s diversity.

Wesley Barrett, Reporter

On the first day of school, students noticed something surprising in the main entrance of the newly built Rock Hill campus.

The administration at Rock Hill has made a decision to create a display of national flags, representing countries across the globe from Argentina to Palestine.

“We will have 45 total once they are all up,” Rock Hill principal Daniel Toth said. “The flags actually represent all the countries of origin for our students and staff.”

Rock Hill is taking a page from the books of many colleges around the US, such as the University of Arizona, by showing pride in the diversity within the school. Given that Rock Hill has made strides to be more modern and collegiate in nature, moves like this follow the theme of a college campus.

However, some students believe the school can do more to showcase diversity.

“I thought they were representative,” Kenyan born sophomore Lucy Mokua said. “I guess they could be represented better. A culture night, that would sound good.”

Coronavirus restrictions have also proved to be a challenge in allowing clubs, such as the United Cultural Society, to meet to further efforts such as the flag display.

“I think they’ve basically done what they can,” United Cultural Society founder Nidhi Kamath said. “I think that corona is really holding us back.”

Beyond even the flags, Kamath brings up further steps to promote diversity and inclusivity.

“Even just the other day in SOAR time,” Kamath said. “It basically felt like sensitivity training.”

Combined with the flags, the administration has been making strides towards new and important steps in the right direction.

Regardless of whether the flags are a good first step or a symbol of great progress, they are a welcome addition to many students,  and make representation a new tradition of Rock Hill culture.