On January 7, a series of devastating wildfires emerged in the greater Los Angeles area, causing damages that could cost billions of dollars. More importantly, the fires have affected numerous families and resulted in multiple deaths.
Freshman Ritika Harish Krishnan used to live in Los Angeles and still has friends there.
“[Where I lived is] a place that is affected by the fires and a lot of my close friends still live there right now,” Krishnan said. “A lot of people have lost their homes and my friends personally know them.”
Almost 16,000 structures have been destroyed, leaving many displaced residents without a place to stay. However, several businesses and organizations are stepping up to help.
“Airbnb was offering free places to stay for those people [who lost their homes],” Krishnan said.
Other organizations, including the American Red Cross, have been providing emergency shelters, aid, and meals to those affected by the fires.
Sophomore Justin Kim recalled the dry atmosphere and strong winds he experienced while living in Los Angeles.
“I used to live in Los Angeles and the Malibu and Socal area and some of my friends were affected by it,” Kim said. “One of my friends, his neighborhood completely caught on fire and my first reaction was to call up on them. I feel sorrow for the people affected by the wildfires.”
The Los Angeles Fire Department has extensive experience fighting wildfires and managing such large-scale emergencies. In response to the crisis, the Frisco Fire Department and several other departments have sent firefighters to Los Angeles to assist in putting out the fires.
One way to provide aid in the aftermath of the fires is by donating to organizations like the American Red Cross, as well as supporting people who have been impacted.
“I’m really worried and I want to go back to California this year to go and check, so I’ve been really worried for my friends,” Krishnan said.