It is no question that the arts are a criminally underfunded aspect of public education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), many public secondary schools don’t offer programs for students to practice arts or self-expression. Approximately 54% of secondary schools provide theater arts education, 47% offer creative writing and digital media programs and a mere 13% of schools provide dance classes. This lack of arts education makes students less likely to explore creative pursuits as they transition into high school. The underfunding of fine arts programs in public schools ultimately does a disservice to students by limiting self-expression, hindering personal and academic development, and depriving them of developing valuable life skills.
According to Teach Kids and Learn, “In recent years, many school districts have had to make the difficult choice to cut art programs (drama, music, visual arts, photography, etc.), due to budget cuts and based upon state/national academic priorities that are more focused on math and English student achievement.”
Fine arts programs allow students to experiment with self-expression while also expanding their horizons to a broader spectrum of opportunities. The skills developed within these programs promote critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity—skills that are transferable to other subjects. Additionally, fine arts are known to support social and emotional development, boost self esteem, teamwork skills and empathy. Without proper funding, it can be difficult for students to find outlets to develop these skills.
“I know that we’ve had some past students [in theater] joining from other programs, such as varsity choir or dance, who have said that joining different arts programs and getting to meet these new people has seriously helped them make friends, develop connections, and learn a lot about themselves and their passions for their futures,” said Lyric Patino, a senior in Theatre Production, “I also believe that with a lack of budget also comes a lack of desire for new students to be inclined to join our programs.”
About 73% of Texas schools are underfunded, and in an attempt to prioritize funding for educational programs and sports, arts programs are often the first to face budget cuts.
“I think it’s always really hard to talk about funding, because we are really blessed with what we do have as a whole,” ceramics teacher Lauren Rivera-Hesson said. “But at the end of the day, when we’re in such a growing area, I think that there is a deficit, and I think that we could provide more to give students more experiences and make them more well rounded as fine arts individuals. [Ceramics] is one of the most expensive classes you can take because it is all consumable-based. Once you have clay, and you fire it, you can not reuse that product.”
Some school districts have found creative ways to gain funding through booster clubs, community support and integrating the arts into STEM programs (to instead create STEAM). These approaches have proven beneficial, as they create opportunities to incorporate the arts into everyday programs, expanding student outreach and building a connection between disciplines.
On Prosper ISD’s website, the fine arts section provides information on different art programs, booster clubs and upcoming events. Visit the district website for more information on PISD’s different programs and how you can support them.