Sunrise, Sunset

A brief history of senior sunrise

Senior and Editor-In-Chief Gianna Ortner-Findlay takes a picture of the sunrise on the morning of August 10th. The event took place at the RHHS baseball field, surrounded by evaporating early morning mist. “It was really nice getting to connect back with friends I haven’t seen in a while and just get to know how they’ve been and what they’ve been doing with their summer.” senior Mckenna Bowman said. Seniors were also able to write letters to their future selves to be given at the end of the year.

Gianna Ortner-Findlay, Editor-In-Chief

For many students, the last day of summer is often spent sleeping in and relaxing, savoring those last few precious hours before being ushered into a new school year.

However, the tradition of senior sunrise woke many of Rock Hill’s seniors up bright and early on the morning of August 10th.

It was really nice getting to connect back with friends I haven’t seen in a while and just get to know how they’ve been and what they’ve been doing with their summer.” senior Mckenna Bowman said, “As well as talk about the upcoming year and what our plans were for it and after!”

Seniors were invited to come out to the RHHS baseball field to watch the sunrise on the eve of their first day of senior year. This event is mainly symbolic, as the class comes together to experience the sunshine and gather a sense of community with their peers.

Last year we (RHHS and PHS) did it together, and then this year we have them separately.” principal Dustin Toth said, “That was the first year of the split, so this year we felt like it was time to sort of start our own traditions.”

Also offered at the sunrise was the opportunity to write a letter to their future self to be given at the senior’s graduation. These letters would be a glimpse of their past selves as they begin their journey into the next part of their lives, once again reiterating the sense of togetherness and the completion of a full ‘circle of life.’

It’s a great way to start the year with our seniors.” Toth said, “You know we do senior sunrise at the beginning, and then at the end of the year, we do senior sunset.”

While the true origin of senior sunrise happens to be slightly ambiguous, the relatively new tradition has been adopted by many different high schools to differentiate their senior activities.

I don’t remember doing (senior sunrise). Not when I was in school.” Toth said, “I just think it’s a great way to start the year, and hopefully, our seniors enjoyed getting together and getting ready for the beginning of school.”