Annual PCIS showcase pushes students to delve into future careers
April 28, 2023
PISD families and friends were invited to view the final presentations of the members of Prosper Career Independent Studies (PCIS). On Tuesday, April 25 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., students had the chance to elaborate on their displayed research tri-folds.
This program allows juniors and seniors at both Rock Hill High School and Prosper High School to focus on a career topic of their choice and pursue advanced study in it. It is also encouraged that students independently interview professionals in their chosen field. Resources and opportunities are introduced by many advisors who lead the students in this class.
“I learned about social media marketing and its importance for business, so it made me want to look into it and see if there’s someone to fit it into my career choice,” junior Reagyn Harrington said. “I would come again because it was really interesting, and I learned things I never even knew existed.”
A mentor will be paired with each student to work with them throughout the school year. By doing so, students can develop soft skills and come to understand the studies needed for future careers.
“I was invited to these presentations by my students who are interested in pursuing those careers in the future,” RHHS law enforcement teacher Dr. Fox said. “[They] had great mentors that provided them with excellent experiences and resources to help them navigate their career paths.”
During this course, students will develop comprehensive research, conduct interviews, observe professionals who work in that field, present their work and reflect on their learning at the end-of-the-year showcase.
“You need to go out there yourself and find things that will help you,” senior PCIS member Isha Thirupathy said. “If you try your best and work hard, you will inevitably succeed in this class and set yourself up for a good future.”