Updated- School responds to recent mask mandate lift

Photo Credit: Taylor Mersmann

Students wear masks while celebrating at a pep rally earlier this year. Governor Greg Abbott announced that the mask mandate will be lifted March 10. “Today’s announcement does not abandon safe practices that Texans have mastered over the past year,” Abbott said. “With this executive order, we are ensuring that all businesses and families in Texas have the freedom to determine their own destiny.”

Haley Medeiros, Editor-in-Chief

Editor’s Note: This article was last updated on 3/5. It will update as more information becomes available. 

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that he will lift the mask mandate March 10.

Superintendent Holly Ferguson’s recent statement explains that Prosper ISD will continue the mask requirement for indoor activities.

“Prosper ISD has reviewed guidance from the Texas Education Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” Ferguson said. “Based on the information and guidance from these groups, our staff, and our parents, the district has decided to continue its current practice of requiring face coverings.”

The school will no longer require masks for outside events starting March 15.

“Prosper ISD will no longer require face coverings in open air, ventilated spaces such as recess, outdoor parties, extracurricular activities in outdoor spaces,” Ferguson said. “With the exception of permitting this optional mask wearing outdoors, the district will continue to enforce all safety precautions and social distancing practices.”

The school will release more information as they make their decisions.

“We talk a lot about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and empathizing with them,” principal Dustin Toth said. “This is one of those times I really need you to consider those around you when making your choices at this time.”

According to Abbott, Texas restaurants will be able to open at 100 percent capacity.

“Today’s announcement does not abandon safe practices that Texans have mastered over the past year,” Abbott said. “With this executive order, we are ensuring that all businesses and families in Texas have the freedom to determine their own destiny.”

To stay up-to-date with school announcements over the new mandate, check this article.

“We tackled every challenge and storm, literally, this year because we have pulled together and done what was best for the group,” Toth said. “Please give our district leaders time to process this information and then make a plan for us moving forward.”

How do you feel about the lift on the mask mandate?

  • For- We shouldn't have to wear masks. (55%, 47 Votes)
  • Opposed- We should still wear masks. (45%, 38 Votes)

Total Voters: 85

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