Hawks Out of Class: Kyleigh Rea


Kyleigh Rea plays center back runs to strike the ball back onto the field, protecting the goal.

Cecilia Trieu, Hill Top Times Reporter

Junior Kyleigh Rea speaks to reporter Cecilia Trieu about her experience in girls JV soccer. “Soccer requires teamwork and resilience. I find myself strong in that aspect– I try my best to keep my team moving and working together,” Rea said. The spring sports season is coming up, and Rea remains focused for the games. (Cecilia Trieu)

Hawks out of class is a feature column that showcases the plethora of unique individuals of Rock Hill High School, and takes a Q&A in hopes to highlight all the diverse staff and students.

Kyleigh Rea is a junior on the girls JV soccer team. Her bright energy and humor manages to lift everyone’s spirits. Rea has been playing soccer for many years and is very passionate about sports. 

Hill Top Times: How long have you been playing soccer?

Kyleigh Rea: I’ve been playing soccer for what’s been my whole life—I’ve started a little before kindergarten. I find it a good way to stay active and meet new people.

HTT: What inspires you to play soccer?

KR: Soccer has been my outlet, the love for the game and competition inspires me to push harder and play more. It’s also been an amazing opportunity to make friends and work with my team.

HTT: For playing soccer for so long, how do you stay motivated to play?

KR: Going out on the field and my teammates motivates me a lot to continue playing—We work as a unit and depend on one another so it keeps me going to push harder.

HTT: What position do you play?

KR: I play center back—I’m the last line of defense for the goalkeeper. I stay on the back and make sure to stay focused to prevent the other team from winning—I just try to kick the ball back out there. 

HTT: You’re a team player, what would you say is your best trait? 

KR: Playing and working with my team—I would say I’m a strong vocal leader. It’s important to have a voice on the field to have coordination and build the relationships with your team.

HTT: If you could, what would you say to your younger self?

KR: I would say stick with what you love and have passion for it— I would hate to do something I’m not enjoying.

HTT: Next year is your last year here at Rock Hill, what do you plan on pursuing in the future?

KR: Well I’m not sure what college I want to attend, but I want to go to one with a good firefighting program. For the future though— I plan on being a firefighter paramedic.

HTT: After a long day, how do you unwind?

KRI enjoy spending time with my family and hanging out with my siblings to relax— It’s my way of spending my free time away from school and soccer.