Mr. Rockette high kicks gender barriers on drill team

Grant Johnson

Sophomore Rami Shihabi dances at a pep rally as the only male on the Rockette drill team. He is the first boy to perform with the Rockettes. “The first time I saw Rami dance I was astounded at his ability to pick up movement,” junior Gracie Fisher said. “If the teacher told him to do something he would just go for it and nail it the first try. He is never afraid of a challenge.” 

Grant Johnson, HTN Daily News Director

With every pirouette, jump split and high kick, sophomore Rami Shihabi kicks down gender barriers.

Following the announcement of the 2020-2021 Rockette Drill team members last May, Shihabi became the first and only male in school history to be a part of the drill team. 

“I was so excited when I made the team,” Shihabi said. “The excitement also came with some nerves because I was worried about how I would be perceived and how people would react.”

Rockette Rami Shihabi stands with his teammates on the field at Children’s Health Stadium. This is Shihabi’s first year on the drill team. (Wes Barrett)

Shihabi took his first hip-hop dance class at the age of 13, but quit after one year. He took a Dance 1 class his freshman year at Prosper High School to prepare himself for the Rockettes team.

“The first time I saw Rami dance I was astounded at his ability to pick up movement,” junior Gracie Fisher said. “If the teacher told him to do something he would just go for it and nail it the first try. He is never afraid of a challenge.” 

His ambition to improve his technique and become closer with the team has helped him be successful on the team. The Rockettes team is made up of 20 girls, with Shihabi being the only boy. 

“I have learned so much from the girls,” Shihabi said. “They have all been such great teammates and have taught me to not be so tough on myself and never bring myself down.” 

Sophomore Rami Shihabi leaps in line with his fellow Rockettes during their performance. This is drill team’s first year having a male on the team. (Shoji Turner)

For any boys or girls who plan to follow in the footsteps of Shihabi, the Rockettes are holding drill team tryout prep classes to prepare dancers for auditions.

“Since Rami made the team and the public noticed, I’ve had people come up to me and ask what it takes to join the team,” Fisher said. “Rami has been a big symbol of strength for many boys here in Prosper who may be scared to try out for dance.”

Shihabi has received several disapproving comments, but he continues to dance through it no matter what people think. While Shihabi is the first male on the team he hopes he is not the last. 

“I think I have shown guys that it’s okay to be yourself and not be afraid of other people’s judgement,” he said. “I think I have shown them that even if there are negative reactions, you should brush it off and continue to be yourself, because in the end being yourself is what counts.”