School to update internet, Wi-Fi services

Wesley Barrett

Servers power school technology in the Rock Hill media room. The effectiveness of the Wi-Fi at the school has been mixed, and has become an issue during covid-19. “The biggest hurdles have been adjusting to the troubleshooting and support of physical and virtual students,” Frontline Technician Samuel Trevino said. “We ensure that teachers’ technology is running at 100% at all times to empower their ability to learn.”

Wesley Barrett, Reporter

In a year where Wi-Fi has become a keystone to our new learning culture, maintaining connection is critical to the school’s success.

As part of this commitment, the school will be undergoing software updates  on  Jan. 31 that will last from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and might affect the wifi efficiency during that time.

“The biggest hurdles have been adjusting to the troubleshooting and support of physical and virtual students,” Frontline Technician Sam Trivino said. “We ensure that teachers’ technology are running at 100 percent at all times to empower their ability to learn.”

Students have experienced Wi-Fi issues at the new high school throughout the year.

“It is not very reliable,” sophomore Kendall Rench. “Depending what part of the school you’re at, it will cut out and come back in.”

Occasionally, these network connectivity issues can get in the way of communication

“Sometimes it won’t let me connect,” Rench said. “If you’re walking through the hallway you won’t get Wi-Fi or service. If I was trying to text my mom or something, I can’t.”

New infrastructure has created obstacles for the wifi connectivity.

“Unsung success with the Wi-Fi would be a network that has stayed near 100%,” Trevino said. “With only minor outages that don’t last longer than 5 minutes, this is a great feat as a campus this big has a lot of moving parts network wise.”

With each student having access to a personal Chromebook, the school has had to navigate the mass of students logging on to the network at one time.

“Most schools don’t have the resources to give free Chromebooks,” sophomore Prateek Devarakonda said. “I think that’s pretty cool.”

The staff continues to fix these flaws and give us advice on how to keep our devices in the best shape.

“Students and staff members can alleviate Wi-Fi issues and other issues they encounter by restarting their devices on a daily basis and keeping their devices charged,” Trivino said. “Not only does this help with Wi-Fi issues, but other issues as well.”